In Case You Missed It: Feb 2024 Recap
3 Actionable Tactics To Create A Good Data Strategy; A Summary Of What I Wrote In 2023; Modern Data Stack In a Nutshell - A Pragmatic Perspective.
This is the Three Data Point Thursday, making your business smarter with data & AI.
This special in-between issue serves as a recap of the last editions and more of my writing. It features a few quotes from each piece so you can get a feel for them and quickly jump around the Three Data Point Thursday universe.
I upped my writing again this month, trying to go even deeper into my articles. If you haven’t done so, check out the summary of what I wrote in 2023 and what’s to come for this newsletter.
3 Actionable Tactics To Create A Good Data Strategy
Netflix was born as a mail DVD company, a new concept then. Famously, the two founders, Reid Hasting and Marc Randolph, mailed themselves a DVD to see whether it arrived intact. It did, and Netflix was born.
However, in 1999, Netflix turned to their famous subscription all-you-can-eat model, and a year later, they started to slowly but steadily turn themselves into one of the biggest data companies of our time.
A Summary Of What I Wrote In 2023
I made three substantial changes to my newsletter in 2023, some might scare you off, some you might’ve not noticed at all. But I think it’s essential to be open about what I write and who I write for:
I changed the newsletter from private to open mode!
I rearranged the topics I wanted to write about and ditched some.
Around September, I decided to focus in deeper and make my newsletters longer and more thoughtful. (Focus on going deep, not doing any distribution!)
An Exercise In Perseverance With Starburst & Justin Borgman
Perseverance single-handedly describes both the company Starburst and its CEO, Justin Borgman. There is something larger at work here; neither Justin nor the company he has built are only persisting against challenges - that most founders and companies do.
Instead, what they show is something on a different level: perseverance.
And that’s why it’ll make Starburst one of the biggest data companies of this century.
Modern Data Stack In a Nutshell - A Pragmatic Perspective
When I read Bob Muglia's book “The Datapreneurs,” it reminded me a lot of Brahmagupta and the number zero. I think we all feel it and know that something has changed in analytics. Bob Muglia makes the case that the MDS is just that, the center of the incredible progress in data analytics over the past decade.
Maybe the MDS concept is just a nice wrapper around the amorphous mass of progress in data analytics, or maybe there truly is a hidden “zero” here. I don’t think it matters much. What does matter is a straightforward question:
How can each of us profit from the progress in analytics? How can you make the most of the advances the modern data stack brings?
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