🐰 #23 Revive Dead Dashboards, terminusDB, DX; ThDPTh #23 🐰
How to revive your dead dashboards, a cool new graphDB called terminusDB, and developer experience for data guys.
Data will power every piece of our existence in the near future. I collect “Data Points” to help understand & shape this future.
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(1)🔮 Make Dashboards Less Dead
This is a great post by Tristan Handy. I think there’s a good use case for dashboards just as there is for any of your “BI artifacts”. This post contains an excellent plan on making dashboards “less dead”.
The post contains a roll-out plan for trustworthy dashboards & reports written by Alexander Jia:
Create a single source of truth in your dwh for a few curated data sets
Release curated standard-reports focused on high-level KPIs, work hand in hand with leadership
Support ad-hoc exploration of these curated data sets
Slowly chip away at old reports and replace them with better, new, curated ones
A recent post, Dashboards are Dead, sparked a conversation about the future of data reporting.
(2)🚀 terminusDB
I’ve just written about data as code and realized not too many databases actually provide decent versioning. Dolt does, but then there’s a big void. This project however looks promising, it’s a versionable graph document store, essentially made for most machine learning use cases.
They apparently use their own graph language WOQL which I don’t like. I’d rather see some convergence in the space of graph languages. But still the project looks worth a try.
They claim that “terminusDB is open source forever” and provide a “terminusHub” on top of it as a commercial offering. That sounds like a decent package.
TerminusDB is an open source model driven graph database for knowledge graph representation designed specifically for the web-age.
(3)🔥 Better Developer Experiences for Data Guys
I just stumbled over another ThoughtWorks article rallying for better “developer experiences”. Yet for some reason, I feel this topic is even more pressing in the realm of data.
And by that, I mean both, the data engineers, the machine learners, and the data scientists of this world but also the developers which should be able to work with their data easily. A developer shouldn’t spend his time writing a track function, he should be able to track his newly developed feature with one line of code!
So I suggest you read the article and think about how the data experience probably is for your developers. If you’re a developer, I suggest thinking about whether you don’t see any ways to “exchange the handsaw you got for a chainsaw”.
Why you should invest in good Developer Experience today | ThoughtWorks
In over 50% of organisations, software developers only spent 30-40% of their time….
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